Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Legofesto is exhibiting a number of pieces at the "War And Trauma" exhibition at the Museum Dr Guislain, (Museum of Psychiarty) in Ghent, Belgium from 1st November 2013 to 29th June 2014. Pieces to be shown include:
Ghosts of Abu Ghraib
Guantanamo Bay
Iraq: Civillian Death Toll
Sri Lanka: Bombing A Refugee Camp
Darfur: A villiage Attack
Rape in Mahmudiyah

‘War and Trauma’ is one exhibition in two locations. These locations are directly linked to the theme’s two essential parts, both are lieux de mémoire: one in the location of the war and the front, and one where psychiatry and mental suffering in Flanders and Belgium were ‘acknowledged’ for the first time and where a mental institution was built.

On the eve of the great commemorations for the First World War, this double exhibition makes it clear that our concern, even after 100 years, should be for the fate of the people. Flanders Fields Museum in Ypres features the organisation of general medical care at the front during the Great War. Museum Dr. Guislain in Ghent focuses on the different conflicts of the twentieth century and highlights that specific branch of medicine, psychiatry. It tells the history from shell shock to posttraumatic stress disorder.

Over a period of 100 years (1914-2014), the Museum Dr. Guislain explores four aspects of psychiatry and traumatic experiences. One specific theme of war and trauma is emphasised for every period.

For further information please see their  website: